Standard Accessories


ST-Series TDR's ship with all the accessories you will
need to begin taking production measurements. From
foot pedal to reference standards, the accessories
you need are included in the purchase price.


ZMetrix provides a comprehensive line of probes for taking impedance measurements.  From low bandwidth coupon measurements, to 20 Ghz variable pitch probes, to insertion loss, there is a Zmetrix probe for any production TDR need. 

For low bandwidth coupon probes, Zmetrix can provide nearly any pin configuration.  To find the pin configuration for your requirement, refer to the ZMetrix Probe Guide.

IP-S-50-1  :  50 ohm probe
IP-D-100-1:  100 ohm probe


ZMetrix provides 2 semi-rigid reference standards with

every unit shipped.  

ACCST-211  :  50 ohm semi-rigid standard

Semi Rigid

Foot Switch
ZMetrix provides a USB dual-rocker foot pedal with

every unit shipped.

ACCST-300  :  USB Footswitch


Torque Wrench
ZMetrix provides a .45 Nm SMA torque wrench with

every unit shipped.

ACCST-310  :  SMA Torque Wrench

SMA Torque Wrench

ZMetrix provides 3 coax SMA, and 1 USB cable with

every unit shipped.

CBL100         :  SMA Cable - 3 ft. (qty -3)
  CBL101         :  USB Peripheral Cable - 3 ft.